Available Support
The Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association is pleased to offer two options designed to support continuing education:
The Kathie Bordelon Continuing Education Stipend [Application deadline: March 20, 2021]
The Marie Windell Continuing Education Stipend [Application deadline: September 30, 2021]
Each stipend of up to $300 provides funding for virtual or in-person continuing education. If you have a workshop or a conference that you would like to attend and need some financial assistance, now is your chance!
Eligibility is reserved for LAMA members at all professional and student levels (individual membership in LAMA is $15; student membership is $5). Preference will be given to candidates who have not previously received the award and who can demonstrate limited access to institutional funding.
The stipend may be used to attend a variety of workshops, conferences, seminars, or other archival educational programs including virtual, hybrid, and in-person events.
The stipend monies must be used within one year of the award date. The recipient of the scholarship is expected to prepare a report for the LAMA Newsletter describing the event attended.
To apply, compose a letter describing the continuing education event you wish to attend, how it will enhance your work or studies, and why you need outside funding. To be considered, letters must include an estimated budget.
Application letters may be submitted to the LAMA Scholarship Committee via email attachment to:
Zach Tompkins, LAMA Scholarship Committee Chair at ztompkins1@lsu.edu.
Zach Tompkins, MLIS
University Archivist
LSU Libraries Special Collections
Hill Memorial Library
Office: 225-578-5090
ztompkins1@lsu.edu | lib.lsu.edu/special